Pragmaxus AG is a joint-stock company based in Zurich, Switzerland.
Founded 2001, rather as a consequence than a child of the New Economy.
We stick to clear ideas and realistic goals.
We create value where IT and telecom grows together. We are specialists in the Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing domains. OSS systems like CRMs, Order Management, Network Inventory, Network Element Managers or even Network equimpent like routers are our playground.
We secure your project success with our know-how and hands-on assistance. And deliver complete software developments for applications and interfaces.
Pragmaxus AG. Serving the Telecommunication industry since 20 years.
Value leadership.
Within telecommunication industry, delivering excellent work is a necessity. But it shouldn't be left with that; customer value needs attention on cost side, too.
We feel it's natural to use the skills and know-how behind to keep overall costs down as well. And to go further than usual.
We care about our craft.
A big part of our life is spent on the job. So let's do it well. After all, that's where we need to get our satisfaction from.
We work pragmatically.
How we work matters to us. We want to leverage our know-how, our practical experience and methods for the benefit of our customers.